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Friday, August 08, 2008
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Collectors And Coin Dealers Article Of The Day

Anglesey Beach Silver Coins Treasure Find

By David M Phillips

A beautiful Anglesey beach is a real treasure trove following an amazing discovery of ancient silver coins at Llanddona beach. Beachcombers will sit up at the idea of an exploration to a soft, sandy remote beach on a paradise island off North Wales.

Coin experts estimate the 600 silver coins found at Llanddona date back to the late 13th century. In fact, this secret beach location has yielded almost 1,000 silver coins in over 6 years of beachcombing by treasure hunters.

The treasure hunters who found this latest treasure trove have been searching for over 6 years. They reckon each coin will be valued at about $8. Now the National Museum of Wales says these silver coins are similar to those found in Ireland, Scotland and the rest of Europe and dating back to the late 1200�s.

This Anglesey beach at Llanddona is a regular winner of the European Blue Flag Seaside Award for quality bathing conditions and good facilities.

The coastal and sea views from here are spectacular and well worth a visit. Looking north you will see the soft sandy beaches stretch along to Red Wharf Bay and Benllech. And at the furthest point is Moelfre, a small eastward facing coastal village famed for its maritime tradition.

From here the famous Moelfre lifeboat was launched to save mariners in distress off the north east Anglesey coast.

With so many shipwrecks along this treasure island coast over the years, it is possible that some of the silver coin discovery is linked to such disasters. There are many old accounts of gold sovereigns being discovered along some Anglesey beaches after major shipwrecks.

So as you view the magnificent Anglesey coastal sea views at Llanddona, just think as you feel the soft sand between your toes what might be below the surface. The beachcomber who found the silver coins now believes the sandbank has shifted since last winter.

It�s quite possible there are more 13th century silver coins waiting to be found on this beautiful Anglesey beach, but it may be more difficult to dig them out.

So whether you are into beachcombing, treasure hunts or just chilling out and appreciating lovely sea views, Llanddona is your perfect start for a break on an Anglesey beach.

About The Author

David Phillips is editor and webmaster of Anglesey Today, a local information resource on the latest news on Anglesey island, North Wales.
More on the recently opened Anglesey Airport at http://airport.angleseytoday.com

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